Advanced Yoga Posture Asanas
Are you looking for ways to advance your asana and take your practice to the next step? Join Catherine Marquette for a special 4-workshop series to safely and precisely explore some of those advanced postures you’ve been wanting to try!
This series will introduce you principles of alignment in basic asanas that you will then be able to apply to the more challenging ones. You’ll learn about the body’s physiology and what makes these postures possible. And even if you aren’t able to master every pose taught–at least you’ll have fun trying!
We meet for 2 hours on the last Saturday of each month from 2-4 pm.
Week 1: Saturday June 24, 2-4 PM
Surya Namaskar (the sun salute) is a staple of many styles of yoga, especially Ashtanga and its derivatives like “Vinyasa” or “Flow”. Join Catherine in this two hour workshop as she breaks down the components of Surya Namaskar and its variations and introduces modifications to make the practice more easeful and – in some cases – more advanced. You’ll walk away with a packet to begin to practice this popular sequence on your own.
Full Series Dates:
- Saturday June 24: Surya Namaskar / Sun Salutations — breaking it down and building it up
- Saturday July 29: Standing Poses – deconstructing the foundation of the asana practice
- Saturday August 26: Inversions – demystifying the art of going upside down
- Saturday September 30: Getting to the Core of It – focusing on the core and how it can lift you up (including arm balances!)
General: $40 per class; $125 for the full series
Open to all Hatha students who have a solid understanding of basic asanas. Teachers who are looking for ways to enhance their sequencing and cues are also welcome! Not sure if this is for you? Just email us and we’ll have a chat.
Catherine Marquette is an alignment junkie who prioritizes precision and safety. She first came to yoga through injury – two foot surgeries had ended the former collegiate runner’s life as she knew it, and her doctor prescribed yoga as a way to find movement in the bones and strength in the muscles. What she didn’t realize was that yoga would also be the way to calm her Type A wandering mind and integrate her body, mind and breath. Catherine is a RYT-500 teacher, having received her 200hr certification under Kim Weeks at Boundless Yoga (DC) and her 500hr certification at YogaWorks (NYC) under senior teacher Chrissy Carter. Catherine dove into anatomy and safe alignment principles through an additional 108hr training via Anatomy Studies for Yoga Teachers with Jason Brown. She teaches an alignment-based, challenging, movement-oriented class that provides a well-rounded journey of standing poses, inversions/arm balances, back bends and forward folds. Catherine recently returned to the DC community after 8 years away, mostly in New York City, and is excited to return to the city where she first started her career and yoga practice. Learn more about Catherine at her website.