Yoga Postures for Infertility
The desire to become a mother is ingrained in most women. But what happens when this most basic biological function becomes a battle?
For many women, getting pregnant does not take a lot of effort. But if you happen to fall on the wrong side of statistics, you may experience one of the most heartbreaking conditions – infertility. The inability to become pregnant can leave a woman depressed and hopeless.
Whether you are just starting out on the journey of trying to conceive or if you have already walked the path of infertility, the one solution you can try is yoga.
How does yoga impact fertility? Read on to find out!
Causes For Infertility:
There are a number of factors that can cause infertility. The most common is the stress we go through everyday life. As it is already known and proven by research, stress acts a major hindrance in a person’s fertility. It is estimated that one in six couples face difficulties in conceiving. The stress arises due to various responsibilities from career, home, partner and other commitments. Further, not having a baby after a long time can also be stressful. Stress affects our body so much that it creates various hormonal imbalances that result to different diseases.
Fertility Yoga – Why Is It Essential?
Now here’s a million dollar question! How exactly does yoga work to boost fertility?
Now, in no way are we implying that you forego medical treatment and depend just on yoga to beat infertility. But this ancient form of workout can be a great weapon in your arsenal.
Here are some major ways in which yoga can effect and treat infertility:
1. Reduces Stress:
As mentioned before, stress plays a major role in slowing down your fertility. Yoga is a great way to beat stress and achieve peace of mind. Yoga is not just about the bodyit is also about how you breathe. The breathing techniques associated with yoga can help lower the stress hormone cortisol in the body. This is turn can increase your chances of conceiving. Not just that! With the stress gone from your life, you can even sleep better!
2. Detoxifies The Body:
Certain yoga poses can help detoxify the body and help boost your fertility. Yoga can also help relax tight muscles and connective tissues.
3. Increases Circulation:
Many infertility issues arise due to blockages. With yoga, you can increase your blood circulation and ensure that it reaches the reproductive organs. This can help create a positive environment for a pregnancy!
4. Works On Your Immune System:
Yoga is great way to boost your immunity. Practicing yoga helps you find your inner calm, which in turn can help raise the number of white blood cells in the body. This not just helps you keep common diseases at bay but can also help you beat infertility.
5. Helps Keep The Ovaries Healthy:
Certain yoga poses reroute the blood flow to reach the ovaries. This helps to provide these specific organs with more oxygen, making them healthier. It is important to note that ovarian dysfunction is a common cause of infertility in women. So, yoga can be a great tool for women with ovary related issues.
6. Helps Deal With Hormonal Treatment Better:
If you are already struggling with infertility and undergoing hormonal treatment, yoga can be of help. With all those hormones in the body, it is easy to fall into the depths of physical and mental distress. This negative energy in the body can reduce your chances of conceiving. With yoga, you can minimize these side effects and increase your chance of becoming pregnant. So, whether you are on Clomid, trying IUI, or IVF, yoga can be of great help.
What Kinds Of Yoga Are Beneficial For Conception?
Yoga is all about how you do it and not how much.
- Hatha yoga is considered to be very ideal for fertility as it involves slower and flowing movements.
- The deep and slow breathing involved in this yoga calms your mind and allows for focus and concentration to set in.
- The various holding poses called Asanas will help improve blood circulation as your mind reaches a state of peace.
- While holding a certain pose, you have to imagine in your mind that a vital energy is flowing into your genital area.
- These productive mind associations actually trigger the feeling of well-being and energy to the affected area.
[ Read: Ayurvedic Treatments To Cure Infertility ]
The Top 14 Fertility Yoga Poses:
These simple yet powerful fertility yoga poses should be practiced on a routine basis. Learning from a good yoga teacher is advised to get the pose right.
1. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend):
The Paschimottanasana stimulates the ovaries and uterus. The forward bend stretches the muscles at the lower back, hips and hamstrings. This particular yoga for fertility relives stress, depression and it will gradually improve fertility levels in you.
2. Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend):
In Hastapadasana you have to bend forward touching the hand to the feet. It stretches all the important muscles of the back and this will improve the blood supply to the pelvic region and nervous system. This bend helps relieve stress from the abdomen region and make the spinal cord more flexible.
3. Janu Shirasana (One-Legged Forward Bend):
Janu Shirasana will be very useful during pregnancy as it will strengthen your lower back muscles. When properly executed, this yoga pose is very relaxing and releases tension from the lower back. It effectively stretches the calves and the hamstrings, making them very supple.
[ Read: How To Increase Male Fertility ]
4. Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose):
The Baddha Konasana improves the flexibility in your private part and hip regions, as it stretches the inner thighs, genital and knees. It helps release any toxins and negative energy in the areas of hip and groin. Your pelvis, abdomen and back are stimulated by plentiful blood supply. The flapping of thighs also increases sperm count in men. For women, coupled with Sarvangasana it aids the ovaries to function properly and removing irregular menses. This pose not only increases fertility levels but also ensures a smoother delivery, if practiced till late pregnancy.