@Emcee Thirst Trap: My current assignment at work is to make anthropomorphic tube yogurt do double dutch.
Thursday 22, June 2017 08:36 PM
@KG3: Can someone please explain why yogurt out of a tube (Go-Gurt) tastes way better than yogurt in any other form???
Thursday 22, June 2017 09:19 PM
@BlackNerd "I too am so on the go that I drink my yogurt from a tube"
Saturday 24, June 2017 01:23 AM
@Treva Tilston-Jones: Campers Lunch tomorrow is a fruit drink veggie pita or chicken strip pita or ham and cheese pita Yogurt Tube granola bar.
Thursday 22, June 2017 02:28 AM
@jarnes: business idea: a yogurt tube filled with ground beef, sour cream, cheese, and crisp shredded lettuce..maybe some broken tortilla shell too
Thursday 22, June 2017 12:25 AM